
Churrascaria: A Cutthroat Game of Gluttony Relaunch

Created by Absurdist Productions

Churrascaria is based on the experience of eating at a Brazilian-style steakhouse where waiters bring unlimited skewers of delicious meat directly to your table. Players are trying to eat all the succulent meats that appear on their plates while avoiding the equally delicious but ultimately unsatisfying sides and desserts that get in the way. All the while, food theft, plate swapping, and general backstabbing keep the food flying and the steaks high. In the end, the person who consumes the most meat wins!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The PaleoVet Relaunch is Funded!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 09:57:30 AM

You wonderful people helped us bring Churrascaria to the world four years ago. And now PaleoVet is live and funded as well. We just wanted to let you all know in case anyone missed the news.

We are a third of the way through the campaign and have already unlocked three stretch goals, including a solo mode for the game. So we know PaleoVet will happen, but we can use all the help we can get to unlock more stretch goals and improve the game.

David Thomas 

Absurdist Productions

PaleoVet campaign is Live!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 06:26:33 AM

Ladies, gentlemen, and dinosaur fans of all ages. Absurdists Productions' newest board game kickstarter campaign is officially live.

PaleoVet is a game of cards, dice, and saving dinosaurs. 

The world’s first dinosaur park ended in tragedy and was closed for safety concerns. The dinosaurs, however, still roam the abandoned island. Now considered an international treasure, these majestic abandoned beasts are plagued by injuries and modern microbes.

Are you willing to take up the role of a paleo-veterinarian and try to save them?

A January of Gluttony
over 5 years ago – Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 08:41:20 PM


It has been an intense month ladies and gentlemen, but a truely amazing one for all of us at Absurdist Productions. First Churrascaria started shipping out to backers the first week of the month, with most if not all of our US backers having recieved their copies by this point. (if you haven't yet please let us know). International shipments have also gone out and backers should hopefully start recieving their copies very soon.

To ensure the best shipping price and deal with Customs, those copies arrived here in the US and then were shipped out to partners of Quartermaster Logistics in specific regions to be mailed out to backers, which has led to them taking a little longer to arrive.

Meanwhile we also managed to get chosen for a little convention called PAX South

PAX South

Being chosen for the PAX South Tabletop Indie Showcase was amazing. I'm not sure of the exact number of people that were at the Con, but based on our rough numbers at least a 1000 of them visited our booth over the course of last weekend. And of those over 600 actually managed to sit down and play a demo of Churrascaria. We had a constant line from doors open to doors closed each day of the Con.

As a result we managed to sell out of the extra playmats we had ordered, and through a large chunk of our remaining inventory of the game. It has also left both Will and I nearly voiceless from talking to so many enthusiastic people.


The game is now available through two retailers, one near our headquarters here in Oklahoma, and another in Spring, Texas. We hope to add a few more to that list in the near future. And we will be updating our website soon with that information, as well as some downloads people have requested.

Along with that we hope to have our own online store up and running soon as we have already started getting emails from people who failed to pick up a copy at the con, or heard about the game from all of you.

Thank You

All of this was only possible because of the amazing support of you, our backers. Without you this would still just be a crazy idea in our heads, but now it is out in the world being enjoyed by hundreds of people.

Meanwhile we are looking at both which game we plan to bring to Kickstarter next, and when to order our second print run of Churrascaria (and more playmats). As well as looking at our event schedule for the rest of the year.

Updates from this point on will come less frequently. So if you want to keep up to date on all things Absurdist please follow us on 

Twitter -


Faceboook -

Where we will post things like new retail shops that start carrying our game, events we plan on attending, and of course news as we get closer to launching our next game. Till next time ladies and gentlemen, keep on gaming.

David Thomas

Absurdsit Productions

Good News Everybody
over 5 years ago – Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 11:23:09 PM

Good News

Pardon the delay in getting this update out to you, but its been super busy here what with the holidays and all. The games are now in the US, though. We had a slight delay with customs, but as of yesterday, they are officially in the warehouse with Quartermaster Logistics. They have started checking everything out and sorting things so they can start shipping them out to backers starting the end of next week or early the following.

Better News

In even better news, at least for us as a fledgeling game company, we have been chosen for the PAX South Tabletop Indie Showcase. Which means if you happen to be at the Convention in a few weeks you can come play the game with us. I also believe they do still have tickets available.

This will be the official debut of the game as being for sale. Based on the estimates for shipping from Quartermaster backer should start receiving their copies around the same time as the convention and then we will start selling the game from our website the week after the convention.

We will also be doing playtests of some of out in development games in the free play area of the convention throughout the weekend and will be posting when we are doing so both on our social media and on a whiteboard at our booth. We will be playing both Espionage (my little game of set collection and resource management) and Winter Rabbit (Will's worker placement game) at least a few times each day.

And if you are at the con and looking for us just seek out the six-foot banner below:

Really looking forward to the convention, and to finally getting the game out to all you amazing people who helped make this possible. Once you do start getting your copies in, send us some pictures of you demolishing your friends in out little cutthroat game of gluttony.

David Thomas
Absurdist Productions

Happy Thanksgiving
over 5 years ago – Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 02:44:22 PM

First an early Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American backers who will be indulging in their own gluttonous feasts tomorrow. I myself will be baking some pies and stuffing, and all the other trimmings tonight to prepare for my own tomorrow, and several more over the next few days with friends.

If you happen to follow our social media channels, and you really should, you may have seen some news I posted yesterday on Facebook about the games. We received that all 40 cases of Churrascaria made it onto a boat and set sail for the United States this past Saturday. They should arrive in the US around the 20th of December and be in the warehouse of our fulfilment partners at Quartermaster Logistics before the end of the year. They will then start sending copies out to our backers starting the first week of January.

So American backers should expect to start seeing your copies in the first two weeks of the new year, while backers in the rest of the world should hopefully have yours before the end of January. We will, however, get you better information on that once the games are in the US and Quartermaster can give us more official timelines on shipping.

We are also currently planning out our schedule for Conventions for next year and will hopefully have a tentative schedule to share in our next update sometime before Christmas.

David Thomas
Absurdist Productions